Academy Literacy Project
Academy Quick Facts
Did you know?

It takes a full community's support and enthusiasm to eradicate illiteracy!

The Community
Community by community, Academy Literacy Project will go about its mission of eliminating illiteracy all across the United States!

The Academy's Role
We know and understand that in order for Academy Literacy Project to reach its lofty goal of full literacy within each county, we must partner with the community. Individuals, government, employers, and groups, organizations, and associations of all varieties and core interests are the keys to success. Together, we can and we will make the ALP mission a reality. We have the educational materials, learning-rich classrooms, professional instructors, and committed staff in place right now. We pledge to make the necessary community connections needed to maximize the impact within the community.

The Community's Role
The community has a vital role in the quest for full literacy by way of illiteracy elimination: commit to that goal! When each community comes together for a common cause, that cause succeeds. Here is a common cause that every single county resident in every community can get behind with support and enthusiasm. Why just support and enthusiasm? Because that is precisely what ALP students need in order to become fully literate. With the entire community behind our ALP students, all is possible. In the end, the community is rewarded with literate community members who have an opportunity to reach their full potential in life.

The Employer's Role
The family and the employer are the two most influential entities in every person's life. Never underestimate the importance of the employer's role in the employee's life. Go ahead and leverage that significance in your employees' lives by supporting and encouraging literacy. What better role could you possibly play? This is a program that every business owner, executive, manager, and supervisor can get squarely behind with pride. Your role? Do exactly that! Be a positive influence. Be a force for change. Be the motivator who transitions illiteracy into literacy.

Special Groups', Organizations', and Associations' Roles
Groups, organizations, and associations all have one common thread: they are all benevolent. They care about their members, the community, and society at large. In exactly that vein, your support and enthusiasm among your members for full community and county literacy is your role in the quest for the elimination of illiteracy. Every group, organization, and association can get behind this goal, for it is purely altruistic. It changes lives for the better in so very many respects. And the goal is now achievable. Right here in Montgomery County. Support and enthusiasm for literacy adds many very important voices to the cause. Those voices will carry the day!

A True Community Project
By coming together as one, everyone in the community can help to make the community fully literate. This is the greatest of altruistic projects that serves to benefit one and all in each individual community. Everyone is invited to join in this effort and make a real difference.

~Excellence in Education~

Contact Information:

Academy Literacy Project, Inc.
P.O. Box 20654
Mesa, AZ 85277

(602) 799-0950       Corporate Office

Copyright © Academy Literacy Project, Inc.