Academy Literacy Project
Academy Quick Facts

Did you know?
Academy Literacy Project has twelve one-month courses designed to turn illiteracy into literacy!

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does ALP stand for?
A: "ALP" stands for Academy Literacy Project.

Q: Are all ALP courses literacy courses?
A: Yes, all ALP courses are literacy courses created especially for students who need literacy instruction.

Q: Are ALP courses "ESL" courses?
A: No. Our sister Academy teaches all of the ESL courses for the greater Academy enterprise. Academy of English Language Learning is our sister school.

Q: Does your literacy program start with A-B-C?
A: Yes, our literacy program starts from the very beginning of literacy, the alphabet.

Q: Are all educational materials included in the course tuition?
A: Yes! There is never an extra charge for educational materials at The Academy. All courses have an in-classroom curriculum that serves as the classroom workbook and a synchronized homework book. 760 flash cards are used in the classroom. Included for each student in 2 courses are alphabet tracing charts; one to learn block printing and the second to learn cursive writing.

Q: How long is each ALP literacy course?
A: Each ALP literacy course is one month long. See the "Courses" page for details.

Q: How are instructors selected?
A: Instructors must have a college degree with a major in education. Each must have been a classroom teacher for at least five years. Then, each selected Instructor receives hours of special ALP training before teaching ALP courses to Academy students.

Q: Describe your classrooms?
A: ALP classrooms must be quiet, clean, comfortable, and well-lighted. This includes classrooms in host facilities. Instructors ensure that the learning environment is respectful and learning-rich for maximum student benefit.

Q: Do you teach literacy courses outside the local Academy Literacy Project schools in the county?
A: Yes! We will teach any literacy course in a host facility to accommodate student needs. The identical educational materials and instructors are provided as found in each local ALP school.

Q: How can I have literacy courses taught in our facility?
A: Just call the local ALP school closest to your place of business or your group, organization, or association office to discuss the scheduling of literacy courses there. Most arrangements can be made in just one telephone call. Or, come in for a visit! We are here to make this a very simple process.

Q: Is there an extra fee for that convenience?
A: No! There is no extra fee for anyone who hosts ALP courses in their own local facility. We encourage this hosting to make ALP courses even more accessible to students who need literacy instruction.

Q: What does the county office of ALP do?
A: We at the ALP county office support the local ALP schools through community outreach, discussions with community members who want to lend support and enthusiasm, and day-to-day advice on a range of topics. We are a sounding board for ideas that come from ALP local school staff, classroom instructors, students, and community members.
~Excellence in Education~

Contact Information:

Academy Literacy Project, Inc.
P.O. Box 20654
Mesa, AZ 85277

(602) 799-0950       Corporate Office

Copyright © Academy Literacy Project, Inc.